Hosting Update Manager on Sourceforge’s Mirrors

Now Java2Script can be installed from Eclipse Update Manager with URL:

It will redirect the download traffics to Sourceforge’s mirrors, so it will be safe and fast.

More technical details about hosting Eclipse plugin update manager on Sourceforge’s mirrors:

First, create your feature project and update site project. site.xml support mirrorURL attribute, you can create the mirrors.xml for your project’s mirror list of

Second, you should map those “plugins/*.jar” to “*.jar” without the prefix “plugins/”.

Third, you should use “.htaccess” to redirect the default *.jar downloads (Someone will always select the default server, which is is not sourceforge mirror, to install) to a default mirror server. The “.htaccess” may looks like:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /update/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^net\.sf\.j2s\.(.*)\.jar$$1.jar [R]

Last, use “File Release Sytem” to release your *.jar and site.xml, and update your .htacces, site.xml with features/*.jar (always small in size) into web site. And then test the installation.

Plugging into

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2 Responses to Hosting Update Manager on Sourceforge’s Mirrors

  1. Chris says:

    Will this ever work outside of Eclipse/SWT? It looks like a very cool product, but I’d like to be able to leverage my SwingAPI knowledge and not have to pick up SWT.

  2. Josson Smith says:

    Compiling Java to JavaScript by Java2Script is stuck to Eclipse Platform, as Java2Script is originally designed as a plugin extending Eclipse JDT.

    It seems Swing APIs is much heavier than SWT APIs. So there are no plans to developing JavaScript version of Swing for Java2Script team.

    If you are familiar with Swing, you can develop your JavaScript Swing following the example of JavaScript SWT. Or there are lots of other server-side Swing-like frameworks, like Echo 2, ZK, …

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